Has Your Teenager Just Started
Year 11 OR 12 And You Want To Give Them The ‘Elite Edge’ To Ensure They Realise Their FULL POTENTIAL?
> Do You Want Them To Achieve Their Best Possible ATAR?
> Do You Want To Give Them Every Chance Of Getting Their First Choice In Higher Education?
> Do You Want Them To Learn The Best Way To Achieve Their Goals?
> Do You Want Your Child To Realise Their Full Potential?
> Would They Benefit From The Guidance AND Mentoring From One Of Australia’s Best Teen Coaches?
> Can You See How Having A Success Coach and Mentor Who Can Guide Them Through Their Final Years Will Help Ensure Their Success At School, In Relationships, Career Discovery And Life In General?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions it’s a good thing you’re here, because Nathan Hulls is one of Australia’s #1 Teen Motivational Speakers, Elite Success Coaches and is passionate about transforming HUMAN POTENTIAL into PEAK PERFORMANCE and RESULTS!
He’s the secret weapon behind the success of teenagers all around Australia… But don’t take our word for it, check out the details of his program below and a swag of testimonials from teens he’s worked with… (But dont take too long, get in fast as his programs fill up quickly!)
ENROL your teenager in Nathan’s Teen Coaching and Mentoring Program TODAY!
(Places for the current Kickstart 2014 Program are limited — Only 15 spots 12 spots remaining –
An Application/Request More Info Form Is At The Bottom Of The Page)
Step 1: Download Nathan’s FREE “Understanding Teens” Report
Step 2: Apply For Nathan’s Teen Success Coaching Program
At different times in our lives everybody needs someone in their corner who will not just encourage and cheer them on, but a trusted person who can ask the tough questions, dig deep, help find the gold and speak truth even when it hurts a little – what I call being ‘by your side – but in your face’.
Teenagers are no different. For a young person to succeed in life it doesn’t happen by accident and whether your teenager has dreams of world domination or is simply wants to get the best possible ATAR score in their final years of high school, as a life coach and mentor Nathan can come along side, ask the tough questions, equip with tools and strategies and bring accountability to see results.
Coaching is a conversation like no other! When your teen works with Nathan, he partners with them in a soul searching and thought-provoking process of self discovery. Nathan helps your child find inspiration and maximise their personal and academic potential. Nathan can help ask the right questions so your child can be the master of their own destiny andfind their own solutions to the challenges they face. Nathan helps take teenagers from where they are right now, to where they want to be (and helping them identify where they want to be if they dont quite know).
Nathan Hulls is a Motivational Speaker, Credentialed Master Practitioner of Life Coaching, Certified Social + Emotional Intelligence Coach and Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming.
He has spoken to, coached and mentored thousands of teenagers over the last 12 years with outstanding results. As a sought after specialist on teen behaviour he has been featured on the Today Show, ABC Radio, News.com.au, Herald Sun, The Age, The Daily Telegraph, Adelaide Now, Perth Now and Girlfriend Magazine.
Nathan has also been a coach and team leader for Green Supercamp Senior Camp – The Worlds #1 Leadership and Education Camp (Beaufort VIC) and was a Coach for the Anthony Robbins Foundation – Global Youth Leadership Summit (San Diego USA)
Here’s what other teens have said after working with Nathan
Click on the images below to read the full feedback from teenagers who have worked with Nathan
[nggallery id=1]Teen Life Coaching + Mentoring
If your teenager is starting their final years of high school they are facing some big decisions like subject choices and career pathway decisions, while at the same time they’re going through a journey of self discovery, discovering who they are, where they fit and how to interact with the world around them.
If your teen wants to accelerate in their journey of getting from where they are to where they want to be, success coaching is the answer.
With a focus on genuine results and long term sustainability, Nathan is dedicated to supporting you and your teen to create the life of their dreams.
The Magic Of Coaching
Coaching creates a powerful space to facilitate transformation through 5 key ingredients:
- Fresh Perspective – As a coach Nathan can look at situations from an objective point of view, without opinions, judgement or pre conceived ideas.
- Powerful Questions – Nathan presents his clients with powerful questions that allow the young person to get to the root of their struggles
- Accountability – Have fortnightly coaching sessions and a monthly accountability call provides a structure to give the young person the best chance for successfully achieving their desired goals and outcomes.
- Success Strategies – In life ALL results come from the strategies we used to achieve them, good and bad. Success leaves clues and Nathan can teach your teenager strategies successful people use to study, increase memory retention, maximise their results, enjoy the journey and achieve their dreams.
- Mentoring – Having mentored teens for over 12 years Nathan has walked through the good, the bad and the ugly with thousands of teenagers and as a trusted mentor can come along side them to provide them with support and encouragement when they need it most.
How Can Nathan’s Coaching + Mentoring Program Help Your Teen?
Nathan’s coaching and mentoring program is perfect for:
– Study Success Acceleration
- – Career and Future Pathways
- – Leadership Development
- – Talented Teens Peak Performance Coaching
- – Confidence, Motivation + Self Esteem Boosting
- – Strength Identification and Development
- – Life Planning and Advanced Goal Setting
- – Emotional Intelligence Coaching and Development – Utilising the SEIP
- – Parenting Teens Coaching (included in all Teen Coaching Programs)
Who is Teen Success Coaching + Mentoring NOT For?
Teenagers who:
- – DONT want to be coached and dont really want to change
- – Want someone else to fix their problems for them
- – Are on medication for mental health conditions
- – Are not committed to the process or prepared to do some work themselves
- – Need therapy, counselling, psychologist or a social worker
Who is Teen Success Coaching + Mentoring For?
Teenagers who:
- – WANT to be coached and mentored (ABSOLUTE MUST)
- – Have just started their final years of High School or first year of University
- – Want to get the highest possible ATAR (not necessarily THE best, but THEIR best)
- – Lack direction for their future and career pathways
- – Have talent and want to maximise their opportunities
- – Want more from their life, education, relationships, future career, dreams and goals
- – Want to develop self confidence, self esteem and self belief
- – Want to step up into an elite level of achievement academically, in sport or in life
Coaching Tools + Reports
Nathan uses a variety of psychometric profiling tools and assessments which are great for giving teenagers something tangible to look at in the coaching process – helping them to get a clear picture of where they are at right now, their strengths, areas they need to develop, their dominant personality and behaviour type as well as career options and potential pathways based on their skills, interests and strengths.
- – Social + Emotional Intelligence Profile
- – DISC Human Behaviour Profile
- – Strengths Finder
- – Strong Interest Inventory (Careers) Profile
3 Month Kick Start 2014 Coaching Program
Prior to signing the Coaching Agreement:
- – 15 Minute Alignment Session (FREE – before signing up)
Before engaging a teen coaching and mentoring client, Nathan conducts a 15 minute Alignment Session with the teen to make sure that the teen is comfortable, want to engage in the program and Nathan is confident that he is able to facilitate positive transformation.
Within the 3 Month Program:
- – 6 x 60 Minute Phone/Skype Coaching and Mentoring Sessions / Fortnightly (1 on 1 with Nathan)
- – 3 x 10 Minute Accountability Calls / Monthly (1 on 1 with Nathan)
- – BONUS 60 Minute Phone / Skype Coaching and Mentoring Session For A Parent (1 on 1 with Nathan)
- – Goal Setting and Action Plan for 2014
- – Wheel Of Life – For Creating Balance
- – StrengthsFinder Profile and Report
- – Social + Emotional Intelligence Profile and Report (SELF AWARENESS + EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE) OR
- – iStartStrong Careers Pathyway Finder Profile and Report (CAREERS COACHING) OR
- – DISC – Behaviour and Personality Profile and Report – (LEADERSHIP COACHING)
Benefits of Teen Life Coaching and Mentoring with Nathan
– Accelerate education performance and results
- – Learn study success strategies
- – Enhance memory and recall
- – Discover strengths and talents
- – Develop self confidence, self esteem and motivation
- – Increase emotional self awareness and ability to manage emotions
- – Create goals and an action plan to see them achieved
- – Map out potential career pathways and education pathways
- – Deal with negative emotions and baggage
- – Develop empowering self beliefs, self talk and self image
- – Strategies to eliminate stress, procrastination and overwhelm
- – Ways to create a healthy and balanced lifestyle
- – Develop self awareness and awareness of others
- – Fine tune your skills, habits and attitudes
- – Work towards your life mission, short term and long term goals
Call 0407 542 636 for a chat with Nathan about Coaching and Mentoring your teen or use the form below to apply for a 15 minute Alignment Session with your Teen to see if Nathan is the best coach for them…
As there are only 15 spots 12 spots remaining in my first intake for 2014’s Coaching Program please submit your application/request for more info below. (Make sure you ask your child for permission first – Coaching only works with willing participants)