
6 Steps To Putting Together Your Career Puzzle

Step 1: Learn About Yourself

Researching possible careers begins with knowing who you are. To gain more awareness of who you are—your likes, talents, personality, and values—complete at least two of the activities  listed at the right. Then you will be ready to begin identifying possible career choices.


  1.  Identify your favorite school subjects.
  2. List activities you enjoy doing in your spare time.
  3. Take an aptitude test to identify your skills.
  4. List your personality characteristics.
  5. List five things that make you feel good about yourself.
  6. Write down your idea of a perfect lifestyle or job.

Step 2: Identify Career Possibilities

Write two or three occupations that you want to explore. Looking at a job guide or browsing through job search websites such as seek.com.au may help you select several more occupations to list. In step 1 you may also have identified your idea of a perfect job, or jobs.

Step 3: Gather Career Information

Now you are ready to gather information about the career possibilities that you have listed. Complete at least two of the activities listed at the below.


  1. Visit the library or school career center.
  2. Talk to people working in the career field, including family and friends.
  3. Spend a day ’job shadowing“—observing someone doing a job that interests you.
  4. Attend a career fair.
  5. Book an appointment with a careers coach.

Step 4: Focus on Career Specifics

Now you are ready to get some specific information about your career possibilities. Finding answers to the questions listed below can help you. As you gather this information, think about how the careers fit your broad interests and personal characteristics.

Career Questions

  1.  What training would prepare me for this field?
  2. What are the work hours? Working conditions?
  3. What is the employment outlook?
  4. How are workers paid: salary, hourly wage, commission?
  5. What skills and personal characteristics are required to succeed in this career?

Step 5: Gather Educational Information

Different careers require different types of education. Your next task is to find out what level of education is required for the careers that you have listed. Complete the activities listed at the right. Then see if your educational interests and personal style fit with the educational requirements of the careers that you are exploring.


  1. Attend a college fair.
  2. Investigate an apprenticeship program for a skilled trade.
  3. Explore getting an education through the military.
  4. Contact an admissions counselor at a college or technical school.
  5. Arrange a campus/school visit.
  6. Talk to graduates of the schools you are considering.
  7. Find out what tests you need to take to be admitted to the schools.

Step 6: Fitting the Puzzle Pieces Together

Now you are ready to fit the pieces of your puzzle together. Make a chart like this one here.  You may find that your career puzzle takes some time to finish. Also, as you learn more about yourself and more about the world of work, don’t be surprised if some of the pieces change.

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